Healthcare Start is a site for exploration and career pathway information for healthcare jobs.

Our mission is to widen and accelerate access to career opportunities and pathways.

Launched in August 2020 by the Cuyahoga County, Ohio Workforce Funders Group, the Healthcare Sector Partnership (HSP) promotes collaboration between businesses, education and training providers, and other community leaders. We holistically and equitably work to transform systems and activate solutions in the Cuyahoga County region that will advance people in careers and address workforce needs in the healthcare sector.

The collective impact of the HSP is focused on fostering change in inaccurate perceptions of qualified talent and the systemic forces that contribute to the social determinant of work. The emphasis is on redesigning policies and practices across the employment continuum including interest, recruitment, training, onboarding, retention, and meaningful pathway mobility.

We currently partner with the major hospital systems in Northeast Ohio.